Thursday, August 27, 2009

Next Steps - Aug 23

It may be that the LORD will work for us, for nothing can hinder the LORD from saving by many or by few.” (1Samuel 14:6 ESV)

Hi everybody,

What a week it has been. If you are used to reading my "Next Step," you know they come on Tuesday. Today it is coming late because as you may know, I broke my wrist in multiple pieces on Tuesday. So now I am figuring out how many things are way easier when you have both hands. And because of that this will be a very short email. "Whether by many hands or few hands God is able to finish it."

When you think back to last week's message, what did you see in the example of Jonathan's stepping into a divine moment that challenged you? What divine opportunity might God be inviting you into? If you weren't concerned with acceptance, approval, comfort, money, security, is there anything -- even a small thing to start -- that might be a divine moment in your work, school, family or any other area of your life?

Your divine moments are all around you to see and to step into.

Peace, hope, love


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