Monday, September 21, 2009

Next Steps - Sep 20

Once you were not a people, but now you are the people of God; once you had not received mercy, but now you have received mercy -- 1 Peter 2:10

The above-quoted verse is a very interesting verse. It is talking -- in the context of God's redemptive pan -- about how God had a chosen people in Israel, but that as we become followers of Jesus, we become part of a new chosen people.

Are you familiar with the phrase, "A Chosen People?" Have you thought about that phrase before? If you have, what has the context been? Have you ever thought of that phrase in reference to Christians? In my experience, we as followers of Jesus rarely if ever think of ourselves as a chosen people. That makes sense, it is a difficult concept. But, how might your perspective change if you thought of yourself as part of a chosen people -- regardless of whether you think God did the choosing or you did? I think it naturally raises the question, chosen for what? How would you answer that? And then there is the notion of "a people." We live in an individualistic society. How might your perspective change if you began to think of yourself as part of "a people" of God -- not just Creekside, but a worldwide people? What might be different if all followers of Jesus saw themselves as part of a people of God?

The Bible makes it clear that when God gathers a people, he does so in order for them to be a blessing to others. At the same time, we experience a blessing, a fullness that we would not otherwise experience. At least, that's the way I see it. Do you agree? How does this play out in your life? How might it play out better?

Have a great week.

Peace, Hope and Love

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