Tuesday, November 3, 2009

Next Steps - Nov 2

"Jesus went up on a mountainside and called to him those he wanted, and they came to him. He appointed twelve—designating them apostles—that they might be with him and that he might send them out to preach and to have authority to drive out demons (and to heal)." (Mark 3:13-15)

As a church community, we have been talking about the inward journey (toward Christ), the outward journey (toward the world) and the together journey (in community). Each of these journeys is interwoven with and dependent upon the others, each of these is only experienced to the fullest as it is shared with others. This week, we got to experience a bit of the inward journey together, as we were led by JD Ward in a series of exercises to help us connect with Jesus. I hope that the experience was a life-giving one. If you experienced the presence of Christ in any way, don't keep it to yourself, share that experience with someone else.

JD was in town to lead the staff and the Leadership Team on a 24-hour contemplative retreat. Before we left for the retreat, we as Creekside leaders shared our emotions about a 24-hour time of prayer. Emotions like fear, anxiety, expectation, and excitement, among others, were shared. What might your emotions be going into a 24-hour time of prayer and silence? Does such a time sound attractive to you? Have you experienced such a time? Would you want to be a part of a time like this? Make a point to ask one of us about our experience at the retreat.

The following are the descriptions that were at each of the six stations during this week's experiential worship service. If you like, use the descriptions to prompt you as you connect with God this week:

Communion - Jesus invites you to the table. He says to you, "This is my body which is broken for you, do this in remembrance of me." He then says, "This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me."

Before the Cross - Stand, sit or kneel before the cross. What is it that God is calling you – inviting you – to die to?

Prayer for a Broken World - Write down on a piece of paper a need or a brokenness in the world. Look at the words on your paper. Lift that need to God in prayer. Fold or crumple the paper and leave it in the prayer basket.

Offering- As you give to God thank Him for providing all that you give and all that you have.
Release Your Burden - Pick up a rock. Feel it in your hand. What burden does it represent? Slowly carry it down the path in prayer and drop it into the water when ready. Watch as it falls to the bottom.

Prayer- Come if you would like to personally be prayed for.

Have a great week.
Peace, hope and love


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