Sunday, February 28, 2010

Next Step - February 28

I [Jesus] came that they may have life and have it abundantly. -John 10:10

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. Galatians 5:1

What is the good life?

That question is one that everybody, in every society asks; who is well off, who is blessed, who is happy? Much of our lives consist of making choices and taking paths so that we will arrive at "the good life." Movies, books, advertisers, even our family of origin send us strong messages telling us what "it" is.

Likewise, the Bible tells us what the good life is. Jesus tells us in the Gospel of John, that He came so that we may have an abundant life -- a good (better than good) life. Not just a good spiritual life, but a good life, period. Jesus makes it clear throughout the pages of Scripture that He does not just invite us into a spiritual life, but into a whole, connected life -- body, mind and soul. He longs for you to experience a good, an amazing, an abundant, life.

Paul, in his letter to the Galatian churches says, that as we connect to Jesus and trust Him as our savior, that we are set free, total and complete freedom. Free to be connected to God so that the things we do will be the things that flow from a centered and connected life, a life connected with God, and to other people, instead of a life of striving, earning, and chasing. As we connect to and trust Jesus, as we seek Him, He promises that we will be changed. But, transformation – the realization of the life that we were meant to live, the good life -- cannot happen on our own, we can’t see where we are missing it, we’re too close. That’s why only Jesus has the power to save, only Jesus has the power to heal, only Jesus has the power to set us free. The good life is bought by the good news of grace; it is not a religious thing or a church thing but a real everyday life thing – a real good life, that’s available to anybody who wants it, through Jesus.

So, a couple of questions:

- How would you define the good life?
- Do believe it is possible for us to live the good life?
- Are you living the good life now?
- Are you on a path towards the good life?
- If not, what might you change to get on that path?
- What confuses you, what challenges you, what gives you joy? Discuss this with someone or let me know.

Blessings of peace, hope and love

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