Tuesday, May 25, 2010

Connecting Faith with the Realities of Lust and Pornography

You shall not commit adultery - Exodus 20:14

You have heard that it was said, "Do not commit adultery." But I tell you that anyone who looks at a woman lustfully has already committed adultery with her in his heart -Matthew 5:27–29

There is now no condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus, because through Christ Jesus the law of the Spirit of life set me free from the law of sin and death. -Romans 8:1–2 NIV

Hi Everybody

This week's topic in our Sunday series on the 10 Commandments was lust. Lust (sexual desire minus honoring the humanity in a person) has been a problem since the beginning of time. People, being naturally innovative, creative and fallen beings, quickly created pornography to feed our lust. Historically, however, one had to work, or at least use some effort to access pornography. Through the internet we now all have instant access. What historically was a problem for a few has exploded into a problem for many. And while grace tells us that there is no condemnation for followers of Jesus who struggle with pornography, viewing pornography is not life giving and honoring -- it is not the way of Jesus.

The reality is that whenever and in whatever ways we continually walk down a path other than the path of Jesus, we will turn further inward on ourselves -- into self condemnation and accusation -- and move further and further from the life giving connection to Jesus himself. Jesus continually woos us to himself. Yet when we walk down another path, we can get stuck, we get trapped, we get lost. This is true of the path of lust and pornography. In order to turn off that path which gives no life and back onto the path of life, we need to grab hold of the reality that there is no condemnation from God, but rather an invitation from him to move into a better way -- and then take action to do so. In any area of our life (including lust and pornography) that moves away from the life of Jesus, we need to draw near to him (spend time resting in his presence), to invite others into our struggle (for support and accountability) and to take advantage of any tools, resources or methods that might be available to assist us.

Jesus said, "I have come that they may have life, and have it to the full." (John 10:10) He does not intend for you to be stuck -- he wants more for you (peace, joy and hope to name a few). I promised that I would provide you with some resources to help if you are struggling with issues of pornography. If you are, I pray for courage for you to invite others into your struggle (that you share with others at Creekside) and to take advantage of the resources that are available.

Covenant Eyes software that tracks all online activity and emails a log to accountability partners each week. Use promo code YouthMinistry for a free 30 day trial.
This video on YouTube talks more about Covenant Eyes, as well.
Porn Again Christian is a free, downloadable ebook written by Pastor Mark Driscoll that deals with the struggle of pornography in a man's life.
When A Man's Eye Wanders. It's a little dated, but the material is still good.
XXXChurch.com is a ministry that helps men and women overcome their struggle with lust and pornography. They have many good resources, events, tools, podcasts, and more.

Peace, hope and love

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