Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Cultivating An Awareness Of The Presence Of God

The heavens declare the glory of God; the skies proclaim the work of his hands. -Psalms 19:1

So, whether you eat or drink or whatever you do, do it all for the glory of God. -1 Corinthians 10:31

Rejoice always, pray without ceasing, give thanks in all circumstances; for this is the will of God in Christ Jesus for you. -1 Thessalonians 5:16-18 ESV

Have you ever thought about what it would look like for you to cultivate an awareness of God throughout a day? Take a day, any day, take today; as you walk through the activities of your life, ask yourself, "how does 'this' reflect the goodness (or glory) of God?" At the end of the day, take a couple of moments to ask yourself how you did, and what you experienced. If you did not do so well, give yourself a break and try again tomorrow. If you experienced God's presence in ways unexpected, thank Him, remember those experiences, and try again tomorrow. Shortly you will find that you are experiencing God far more often than you have ever experienced Him, felt His presence more regularly than you ever experienced it, and brought more things to Him throughout the day than you had ever done. Before long, you will realize that you are actually praying without ceasing.

Have you ever heard the name Frank Laubach? He was a literacy advocate in the first half of the 20th century. His methods for increasing literacy are still used with millions today. In addition to literacy, he was concerned with cultivating the presence of God in his life. In talking about the disillusionment in a Depression-era world, and the hopes of many for Christ to save them, he observed: "Christ has not saved the world from its present terrifying dilemma. The reason is obvious: few people are getting enough of Christ to save either themselves or the world." He challenged himself to call Jesus to mind at least one second of each minute. He said, "not to forget other things nor stop work, but to invite Him to share everything I do or say or think." He later wrote, "Hundreds of us have experimented until we have found ways to let Him share every minute of our waking hours." Laubach was a creative man seeking after God in very real and practical ways. If you are interested in reading some of his interesting thoughts, you can download and read his Letters of a Modern Mystic, (enter password Creekside).

In what ways could you develop a habit of cultivating an awareness of God throughout the day - in your morning shower, in a cup of coffee or orange juice, in nature, in conversation, in a nap, in His word, in prayer for the big things and for the little things? Experiment and you will find your ears and your eyes opened to hear Him; find yourself more aware of the fact that you are living in God's ongoing story, living out a unique role, written just for you.

Peace, hope and love

1 comment:

  1. I just spent the last half hour or so reading the blog you linked in your blog, Frank Laubach's letters (Letters By a Modern Mystic) about practicing the presence of God he wrote in 1930-31 (although he doesn't use that term). Wow! Thanks for sharing that, Doug! It is so thought-provoking and challenging... If anyone takes the time to read both blogs, they will be better for it.
