Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Do You Believe You Can Fly?

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. - Galatians 5:1

If the Son sets you free, you will be free indeed.
- John 8:36

I came so they can have real and eternal life, more and better life than they ever dreamed of. - John 10:10 MESSAGE

This past Sunday at Creekside we finished up our series: Overflowing – a life of abundant generosity. I hope it has been a meaningful six weeks for you and that you heard from God. If you struggled, are still struggling, or are still processing, that is probably the best outcome of all. I do not say that flippantly, but with a good deal of thought. I really do think God wants us to struggle with, and wrestle with, the questions and challenges that He brings before us.

Have you ever seen video of a butterfly emerging from a cocoon? The transformed caterpillar struggles and fights, pushes and undulates until finally he or she is free from its silk tomb. And, she can fly!

I don’t know how much butterflies think, but if they can understand what’s going on, the first thought that must come to their butterfly mind as they lift off the ground is, “This is awesome!” They quickly forget their relatively recent contentment with caterpillar life, the dark turn in life’s circumstances brought about by their unexplainable compulsion to enclose themselves in silk, their awakening in a dark hardened bubble of their own making with no chance of escape save brute caterpillar/butterfly strength; life’s trajectory almost inarguably downward, until they emerge: “Look at me, what happened, I can fly, and I’m beautiful.”

Transformation, when we are in the midst of it, is an often messy and doubt-filled struggle. If we knew the extent of the struggle going in, many of us would simply settle for the life we have known, and leave the struggle for someone else. God, however, has bigger and better plans for us, plans for good and not evil, plans for a future and a hope, plans that we might be transformed, plans that we should fly.

- In what areas are you tempted to settle for the status quo?
- What might your life look like if you were transformed in that area?
- Where do you feel God is calling you toward transformation?
- How does that call cause you to struggle?
- Do you believe that He is with you in that process?

Share your thoughts with others and share them with me.

Peace, Hope and Love,


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