Tuesday, November 27, 2012

Just In Time

You see, at just the right time, when we were still powerless, Christ died for the ungodly. Romans 5:6

Five amazing words, “at just the right time.” What an comfort to know the reality that God always acts “at just the right time.” 

Yet so often it seems like God is not on time. So often it feels like he doesn’t know that we need him to act, NOW. “Where is he?” “Doesn’t God know what’s going on?” “Doesn’t God realize this is an emergency?” So often when our lives seem to be spinning out of control we think that God is out of control. Nothing could be further from the truth. 

God is the only one who always acts at just the right time. He existed before time existed. Every person who ever lived does so in a time bound way; each of us born on a specific date, each of us to die on a specific date. Each of us lives today -- a day that Jesus told us has enough trouble to occupy our minds without worrying about tomorrow. 

These constraints of time do not bind God who has no beginning and no end; is not bound by the constraints of time, who entered into time at just the right time, and who moves in perfect time, all the time. 
  • How does the reality that God is not bound by time give you confidence that he will act at just the right time?

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