Saturday, July 18, 2009

Day 5 & 6 Update from Ukraine

Day 5

The kids arrived today. This was a day of getting to know some of the kids and a day of reuniting with others. Some are freshly graduated from the orphanage and they are supposed to still be pretty rough around the edges. Some of the kids will be leaving the transitional homes this fall and they are pretty sad about it. The boys are particularly sad because once they finish their education they must enter the military. The ones that will remain are quite happy that they still have more time at the transitional homes. Some of the girls that were at camp last time could not come because they are working. This is sad but a good thing because they are working and are well on their way to a successful transition into society.

Day 6

This was the first day of a full camp program. There will be lots of crafts and games at camp but there will also be lot of biblical messages delivered through out our time here. The kids are aware of this and chose this camp over going to a government run camp. After breakfast there is a half hour program with songs and skits. This is followed by an hour long Bible message/discussion time and then there are evening devotions involving singing and testimonials.

The team will participate in all aspects of the programming as well as performing chores along with the kids. So we will be a busy team.

This morning Marina and Heather helped the kids decorated t-shirts that we brought for them while Mike and Barb lead the bible message/discussion time. Both went really well. Later we went to the nearby lake because it has been extremely sunny and hot. In the evening we had movie night and made it to bed a little before mid-night.

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