Monday, July 20, 2009

Do I live like I believe it?

If instead of just "knowing" some of the truths in the Bible with our head, what if we actually lived like we believed them? Yesterday was asked that question. Of course, we didn't look at every truth in the Bible. We focused on five found in Romans 8.

Truth 1: You are not condemned. (Romans 8:1-3)'re not. Not even a little. Not for something you did years ago that you won't let go of. Not for anything you did, thought, or said yesterday. Your sin does not define you. Your righteousness through Christ defines you. That's the truth. What if you lived like you believed it?

Truth 2: You are a child of a perfect Father. (Romans 8:15-17) You have been adopted into the family. You are a child of the King of Creation. You have been chosen. God doesn't just "let you in" because you say the right prayer or mentally ascent to the right ideas or concepts. He loves you and calls you His child. Not "acquaintance." Not "team member." No...He calls you "child." What if you lived like you believed it?

Truth 3: You have a glorious future. (Romans 8:18-21) Your eternity is set. And the Bible's take on heaven is certainly way, way different from the picture we often have of the endless church service or sitting on a cloud playing a harp. An eternity filled with awe, wonder, exploration, learning, growing, relationships, joy, laughter - and all without the tainting of sin. Keeping an eye on eternity makes us more fully alive in the present. Jesus said He is preparing that place - just for you. What if you lived like you believed it?

Truth 4: You have a God who is for you. (Romans 8:28, 31-32) God is on your side. Cheering you on. Applauding you. Thrilled to know you...and be known by you. Your biggest fan. When your face appears in God's mind - He smiles. You bring the God who fashioned the heavens abundant joy. It's true. What if you lived like you believed it?

Truth 5: You are never alone. (Romans 8:35-39) Never. Ever. God is near. He loves you. There is nothing you can say, do, think, or feel that will separate you from the love God has for you. There is no power of hell that can separate you. There is nothing any other man, woman, or child can do to separate you. Every moment of every day - just as surely as there is air that surrounds you - the God who knit you together whispers in your ear, "I am here. And I love you...deeply. Forever." What if you lived like you believed it?

Yes...What if we all lived like we believed it?

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