Tuesday, July 20, 2010

All Religions Are Basically The Same

It is by grace you have been saved, through faith—and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God— not by works, so that no one can boast. For we are God’s workmanship, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do. -Ephesians 2:8–10

It is for freedom that Christ has set us free. Stand firm, then, and do not let yourselves be burdened again by a yoke of slavery. -Galatians 5:1

Hi Everybody

God wants you to lose your religion.

Does that sentence bother you? Your answer might to some degree depend upon how you define the word religion; what is religion? I think it is best defined as a system of behaviors that we do or refrain from doing, in order to gain the acceptance of God (If I do or don't do this, God will accept me). If you do not like this definition, take a second and think of things that we label as "religion" and observe the common denominators -- from not drinking or smoking to sacrifices, ways of dress and the like, the key is certain behavior tied to earning the acceptance of or forbearance from God. One of the reasons why Christians have so much difficulty in answering the challenge that "all religions are pretty much the same" is that, well, all religions are pretty much the same -- they all seek to earn salvation. What right do I or anybody else have to challenge anybody on whether the things that they do to earn God's approval are enough or not enough than the things you do -- how good is good enough? All religions are basically the same.

"Hold on Doug," you say. "Do you meant that Christianity is the same as every other religion?" Well, despite the fact that the politically correct answer would be yes, it would also be a lie. Christianity is not the same as all the "other" religions, because it is not a religion. It is the only belief system that does not say that you need to be good enough (religion) to be accepted by God. It is, in fact, the only system of belief that says flat out that nobody can be good enough. Christianity says, you are accepted by God -- not because of anything you have done, but because of what God did. That is by definition (at least the one I claim above) the opposite of religion. All religions are basically the same; and Christianity stands apart from them all.

I believe religion is a result of the fall. On some level most of us want to earn our way to God and thereby retain some level of control, some level of say in the process. Because of this, even those of us who believe the anti-religious words of the apostle Paul, above, allow religion to creep into our lives, to live as if we can control God's approval of us by our actions. This is religion, and religion kills. Jesus invites you to live, to freedom, to lose your religion.

- How do you react to the uniqueness of faith in Jesus?
- Do you believe that Jesus wants you to lose your religion?
- Where do you find religion creeps into your life?
- What is your response when it does so?

I invite you to share your thoughts with me and with others.

Peace, hope and love

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