Tuesday, July 6, 2010


You will be like a well-watered garden, like a spring whose waters never fail. -Isaiah 58:11

Whoever drinks the water I give him will never thirst. Indeed, the water I give him will become in him a spring of water welling up to eternal life. -John 4:14

If anyone is thirsty, let him come to me and drink. Whoever believes in me, as the Scripture has said, streams of living water will flow from within him. -John 7:37–38

Since the dawn of time, water has been at the center of our existence. While the earth was an empty void, the Spirit of God was hovering over its waters (Genesis 1:2).

The surface of the earth is more than 71% water -- The human body is more than 50% water -- If deprived of water for more than a couple of days you will die -- Water is necessary for life.

Water is a source of great pleasure -- a cold drink on a hot day; a warm shower on a cold day; a pool in the summer; boating, fishing or merely gazing upon it -- some even have beds that are filled with it.

Its importance transcends all times and cultures; the Bible contains nearly 700 references to water.

Today, access to safe drinking water is the primary cause of hunger, disease and poverty throughout the world. 400,000,000 children worldwide have no access to safe water -- most will die because of this basic lack. Clean water saves lives, and we in the developed world have the ability to provide clean water, we have the ability to save lives. Check out One Day's Wages and see how you can make a difference. Or, simply google, "clean water" and see the many ways that you can help make a difference if you choose to. It is actually one of the things that we as the Church can effect.

I cannot imagine what it would be like to not have water, to be dying of thirst. But, Jesus can. Jesus thirsted deeply as he was tortured to death on the cross. He knows the pain, and his heart breaks over those who thirst. He also knows that we can thirst metaphorically as well -- for acceptance, for friendship, for love, for belonging, for compassion, for justice, for the cup that he was to drink to be removed from him. Jesus knows our thirst. Jesus knows your thirst. His invitation: Come to me and drink. His promise: You will never again be thirsty; you will never again have unquenchable desire that eats you up, that controls you.

The reality is that as we make Jesus our desire, he unleashes and then fulfills in us desires that surpass our greatest dreams. As our desires are met in Him, he gives contentment; satisfaction of our thirst, and then abundance; an over flowing and a desire to pour out what he has given us to a world that is thirsty – most often in very practical ways.

-- Are you thirsty?

-- What thirst do you have that is unquenched?

-- What would it look like for Jesus to quench that thirst?

-- Do you think that is possible?

-- What would it look like for you to be a stream of living water to those who thirst in your family, church, work place, neighborhood, city, region or world?

Share your thoughts with someone.

Peace, hope and love

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